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Thursday, August 13, 2009

A new record in "putting by"

The picklelady is tired from making 5# of sauerkraut, 1/2 gallon pickled blueberry, 1/2 gallon pickled tomato, 1/2 gallon mixed turkish pickle, 1 gallon sweet pickle with dill, 2# dried fruits (blueberry, cherry, banana, plum), 10 quarts of frozen blueberries, 6 pints of spiced blueberry jam. Also started the 10-day process of making Glad's Pickles, an old-fashioned fermented sweet (1 1/2 gallons).

This marks a new record in the amount of food I've put by in a single day, I think. I'll update with recipes and reviews later. For now, a movie and a beer, then bed!

1 comment:

Anne Yorks said...

i'm really curious...what is a Turkish pickle. Also, never had a pickled tomato. Sounds yummy. What do you do with them. Eat them as is, or is there a recipe you use. I am amazed at the amount of food you stored. I'm terrible at perserving food. I need a lesson or a boot camp to get on track!!